Terms & Conditions
Web shop "thekouls.gr" which belongs to the company Intzegianni S. Vasiliki, with VAT Nr: 062066239, Α DOY Patron, (Chamber Nr: 133377816000), and main address 56, Riga Feraiou str, PO Code: 26221, offers several electronic sales services, namely promotion, distribution, sales and delivery of products that are supplied by selected manufacturing companies. The kouls.gr (henceforth "our company") preserves fully the right to select among the partnering suppliers for the products that will be sold in our store, as well as renew the store's inventory and withdraw products at any time, without warning.Our company is responsible to define and issue the price list of our store, as well as to select certain products that will be on offer or sales. These offers and sales are available and communicated as needed, without any limitation regarding their advertising, timing, or range of their availability period.Our company can alter, upgrade, withdraw any part of the site's content (partly or fully), has the right to change the site's design layout or its content (partly or fully), to upgrade or change the hosting infrastructure, even cease its existence, without prior announcement.Activities such as (but not limited to) browsing our web store, using our services, storage, display, sales, transport, returns, privacy (handling of private data), are governed by the respective sections of our terms and conditions document. Usage of this web store (thekouls.gr) pre-supposes acceptance of the statements described in this document for each particular activity.Our company retains the right to proceed with unannounced changes or updates to this document, when the needs arise.
After browsing through our site, you may freely choose your desired products, place them in the shopping basket and complete your purchase using the simple instructions below. For your convenience and also for a more personalised interaction, you may create a user account in our web store (thekouls.gr), using the respective web form. Our company has strict policy for handling personal data, which is according to the current legislation for the handling of personal information. Collection, storage and manipulation of personal data is done in the most secure way, after you provide your consent for that purpose in the registration form. We have no responsibility for validating the correctness of the user information during the registration procedure.After the order is sent, an automated email notification will be sent to the customer, containing the order details and all information regarding your purchase. At this moment the order will be available for further processing, also checking the availability of the ordered items. If all items are in stock, the customer will be notified by phone or email that the order is ready to be dispatched. In case some or all items are out of stock, you will be notified by phone or email so that you can replace or remove items or cancel the order. After the order is updated or cancelled, an email notification will be sent to the customer with the order status and content. If our company cannot contact the customer within 10 calendar days, then the order will be cancelled automatically. In that case, the order has to be re-issued, if needed. If a need arises for clarifications regarding your order that is currently being handled (for example payment, delivery or return procedures), our company will communicate with the customer using the contact information in the order.
Both the company and the customer are bound to correctly use or operate this web store (thekouls.gr), based on business ethics and good will. For the best visual presentation of this website and the best user experience, it is necessary that your browser has Javascript support and cookies are allowed. Supported browsers are: Internet Explorer above version 9, Mozilla Firefox above version 3.5, or another compatible browser. Adobe Flash Player is needed in some cases for additional graphics. In certain cases, it is necessary that upgraded software components to be installed in the computer, so that the website can operate correctly.Our company has the exclusive privilege (which should be acceptable by the end user) to suspend the operation of this website (temporarily or permanently) without prior notification.The user acknowledges the obligation to correctly use this web store (thekouls.gr), refraining from publishing or otherwise transmission of content that is illegal, harming, threatening, insulting, indiscreet, vulgar, libelous, violating one's privacy, able to cause harm to minors, expressing racial or national discrimination or hatred. This also applies to information that is legally or otherwise restricted (eg. acquired via employer relationships, business interactions, information protected with confidentiality agreements, etc), also on content that could violate patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights or other rights. Similar restrictions apply to computer viruses or software created with the intent to cause disruption or damage to computer software or hardware of any kind, or operates unlawfully for example causing harassment to people or gathers and stores personal data.
Our company is not responsible for possible errors or omissions in the content of this web store, particularly if caused due to technical problems, spelling or typing errors, human errors, negligence, or even incorrect product information provided by the suppliers.If the customer encounters an error before or after the completion of an order, he/she can contact us by email ([email protected]) or phone (+30 2610 242821).Retail prices are largely determined by the product suppliers or manufacturers. However, our company tries not to be bound by these guidelines, selecting prices that are in accordance to the legislation governing fair and unfair competition. As a result, differences in pricing may be observed in certain products sold by thekouls.gr, when compared to the same item sold by other physical on online stores. Moreover, our company withholds the right to alter the listed prices, or terminate a reduced-price offer, at any time without notice.
The content of our web store (thekouls.gr) in its entirety (apart from material belonging to third parties - such as suppliers, manufacturers, partners, etc), such as (not restrictive) text descriptions, photographs, drawings, designs, market and financial data, software and files of any kind, design layout are copyrighted material of our company and they are protected by the respective Greek, European and international copyright legislation. Under no circumstances the copyrighted material included in our web store ceases to be an intellectual property of our company. Therefore, reproduction and distribution, in whole or in part, transfer, processing, storage, republication, modification or similar action on these items, without the explicit prior written consent of the company is strictly forbidden. Any such action will be considered infringement of our copyright or business property. In this case our company may seek compensation for the damages and losses due to these actions. Our company has the exclusive privilege to commercially benefit from this web store, as well as the right to make alterations to its content, without prior notification to its users, customers, visitors or members.
a) Correct data input
Using our web store (thekouls.gr) you will need to input personal data in order to complete certain actions (eg. account creation or ordering items). It is the users' responsibility to correctly fill in the data input forms, so that our company is able to fulfill its obligations towards the user. Personal data that are stored in our records can be altered by contacting our company. We are in no way responsible for the correctness or validity of these personal data. That's why validation from the user's side will be asked at the moment of input. Also, should be noted that by entering personal data in our records, also authorizes our company to use them for the necessary activities (eg. order dispatch, etc). Therefore, our company should not be held responsible for possible inability to complete these tasks (eg. lost notification emails due to incorrect email address, changed contact information, etc). In addition, we are not responsible for possible technical problems or malfunction of any kind, that will interfere with these business activities.For these reasons, we will consider any communication that will be correctly sent from our side (eg. sent SMS or email for an item of stock) as valid, although ultimately this notification may not reach its destination due to the mentioned reasons. Similarly, we are not responsible for postal address errors (which could make order delivery difficult or impossible) or phone number mistakes. In any case, the customer is responsible to update his/her personal information in case they are not valid any more.
b) Registered users
In order to provide personalized service and to facilitate future transactions (eg. orders), our company offers the option to register as users of our web store (thekouls.gr). The personal data that are entered in the log-in form are stored in our records in the user's profile, which is accessible by using a unique combination of username and password.This way, a unique page is created for each registered user (registered user page) in which the order history, as well as the current status of the incomplete orders are displayed. During the registration process you will be given the option to accept "session cookies" in your browser, which will be used exclusively to identify you and log your actions, presenting them afterwards in the activity history, which is visible only to you. "Session cookies" can also facilitate the management of your profile and your transactions, by logging you in automatically every time you visit our web store (thekouls.gr). Session cookies are deleted from your browser, when you log out from our site.
c) Written consent
Data that are filled-in either in the registration form or in the order form are confirmed via the respective check box. This way, the user permits our company to process and use the data for the purposes described above, always within the data protection policy and procedures of our company. In case the user does not wish to receive SMS notifications about the progress of their order, he/she may leave the phone number field empty in the order form, or contact our company via email ([email protected]) requesting the ceasing of any further SMS notifications.
d) Data protection policy
Protection of personal data is a high priority issue for our company. We have active procedures for ensuring the correct and safe handling of personal data.Personal data are only collected for the purposes of completion of customer transactions (communication, invoicing, order dispatching, progress notifications, etc).Our company requests the minimal amount of personal information that are required for these activities, under condition of full consent by the user, who has unconditional access to the stored information and has the ability to request data purging at any time, even the deletion of the user's account in our store.Also, the user has rights deriving from articles 11-13 of bill 2472/1997 and also bill 3471/2006.In any case, user data are kept in our records only for the duration there is an active user profile in our system and are purged when the user profile is deleted.While the user browses our web store (thekouls.gr), session cookies may be stored in his/her computer, so as to facilitate the operation of the shopping basket and the incremental addition of items in it, even before the user profile is created, for the placement of the user's order.Our company guarantees that all personal data are kept private, are not shared with any third party and are handled and manipulated only by our company.
Exceptions are:
i) personal data that are necessary for the processing and charging of credit cards by our trusted partners (financial institutions following the appropriate secure procedures for the handling of sensitive information)
ii) Personal data necessary for the dispatching of customer orders (transport, storage, delivery, etc) by the cooperating courier services.
iii) Data facilitating, via session cookies, basic operations of this site, such as marketing and advertising related user information, display of personalised content. This will result in improvement of the site's content and the users' experience, without linking the session information to an actual user identity. In any case, personal data are stored and handled according to the greek legislation, especially bill 2472/1997 and 3471/2006, which our company has implemented in its procedures. According to this legislative framework personal data may be transferred to third parties, eg. law enforcement officials, prosecutors, etc. only if this is permitted by the rules and conditions of the standing regulatory framework. Additionally, the complete set of data (personal data, transactions, etc) are protected by the legislation enforcing the privacy of communications (electronic and non-electronic), as well as business transactions. We take the necessary precautions and actions in order to ensure that these data remain private and are not disclosed to unauthorised parties.The user of this web store should also actively protect his/her personal data from disclosure to third parties (eg. login information), even unintentional. Frequent password changing is highly recommended.Our company (thekouls.gr) will seek compensation for damages that will occur due to malicious intentional user actions that violate the above-mentioned conditions.
Our company (thekouls.gr) protects its users from personal data loss by encrypting them. Personal data are not distributed to any third party and are constantly stored encrypted in our servers, therefore safe from unauthorized access. Personal identification is performed with two credentials: a) the username or the email and b) the password. The user is uniquely identified by filling-in these two elements in the login prompt and is granted exclusive access to his/hers personal data. You may change the login credentials as frequently as you wish. Safe keeping of the login credentials is the user's responsibility. You should keep them secret, not sharing them with anyone. In case the login credentials are lost or compromised, you should notify us immediately. We will not be liable for any unauthorised use of the compromised login credentials.
The users of our web store (thekouls.gr) must unconditionally accept our right to revoke login credentials in our web store, thus limiting access to the content of this web site, whenever we notice violation of the terms and conditions described in this document. Access may be revoked also in case there is proof or indications or complaint of illegal activity on the user's behalf. Additionally, our company has the right to (temporarily or permanently) suspend the operation of this web site, or alter the way it provides its services, without prior notification or announcement towards its users. Although our company strives continuously to provide uninterrupted service of the highest level of quality and safety, it cannot be liable for service interruptions due to any reason (even negligence). Our company is also not liable in case distribution of computer viruses or malicious software may occur, despite our continuous enforcement of safety procedures, or in case third parties gain unauthorised access to the servers causing problems in the operation of the site or retrieve personal information about the users of this site.
Also, our company is not responsible for the actions of companies that are advertised in our site (thekouls.gr) for example emails or communication towards our users or visitors of "thekouls.gr" or any problem that may occur in any transactions between our users and these third parties that advertised in our site. Our company is not liable for user claims of any kind (legal, civil, criminal, etc) or damages (for example but not limited to lost profits, data loss, lost earnings, financial compensation, etc) caused by service interruption or unavailability of this web site (thekouls.gr), or possible third party interventions to products or services or information in this web site, or possible security vulnerability. In any case, liability of our company due to proven malicious actions on our company's behalf, is limited to the actual damages that were sustained to the affected party, up to the amount that is directly related to the aforementioned malicious actions of our company.
Our site (thekouls.gr) may contain hyperlinks to external web sites, the content of which is outside of our responsibility. Neither can we guarantee continuous or safe service of these web sites. Therefore, any problem that may occur by visiting these sites, should be communicated towards the administrators of the respective web sites, which are fully responsible for providing a remedy or solution to this problem. Our company is not responsible neither necessarily concurs with the viewpoints of these web sites.
a) Jurisdiction - Applicable law - The courts of the city of Patras have jurisdiction on any legal dispute that may arise during operation or usage of this site, if consensual settlement is not possible. Greek law is applicable for the settlement of any dispute that may arise in regards to the interpretation or application of these terms and conditions, or regarding any other legal issue.
b) Article Invalidity - If any of the articles in this document is (or becomes) invalid, that has no impact on the validity of the rest of the articles in this document.
c) Amendment of Terms and Conditions - The terms and conditions described in this document may be changed at any time, without prior notification. The amended content of the terms and conditions document becomes valid at the moment it is published in the web site "thekouls.gr". Users are required to take knowledge of the updated terms and conditions.
d) Explanatory clause - If at any previous clause in this document a refund to the customer's bank account is mentioned, in all cases it is assumed that this money transfer is interest-free.
e) Delay in exercising right - If any of the participating parties (company and customer) delays in exercising any of the rights described in this terms and conditions document, that doesn't mean that these rights are weakened or invalidated. Although delayed, this right may be exercised at any time, at the judgement of the beneficiary party.
f) Acceptance of terms and conditions - All users, consumers, visitors and members of our web store (thekouls.gr) should confirm that they have read and accepted the terms and conditions that govern all services that are provided by our site, during browsing or doing business with our company (thekouls.gr).
a) Greek Consumer Ombudsman
b) Online Dispute Resolution - European Commission